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TED - how to make stress your friend

영어학원에서 스피치로 진행했습니다. 주제는 TED -  How to make stress your friend

This Speech Is An Appropriate View On Stress

 Everybody got stress every day. I'm sure we cannot avoid from stress forever. The thing what we can do for reduce stress is think in positive way about stress. In this speech, Kelly Mcgonigal said same with this, and I agree with her view on stress. There are 3 reasons why I think it's an appropriate view on stress.

 First, let me give you an example about stress. When you are going to go to school, or maybe company, you have to take bus in time. However, if you lost the bus barely, you would get small stress at least. It happens a lot in our daily time. No one get non-stress. If we are nor flexible with stress, we will be in panic, and being like people who fall in despair. But, there are still a ways to get through it. For example, we can take a taxi instead of being panic. Believe that this happening is helping me rise to this challenge, as same as what Kelly Mcgonigal said to us.

 Second, we often heard about great saint and great men said 'think positively'. When I was little, I didn't think it deeply, However, I think this sentence's importance is becoming larger. There is a very famous sentence, "If you can't avoid it, enjoy it." I think this sentence and what I said is in the same context. Also, there is a Placebo effect. A placebo effect is the idea that you rain can convince your body a fake treatment is the real thing. It means, if you accept stress with good things, your body accept better.

 Third, Kelly Mcgonigal said that someone who have a lot of stress die first. When we got high stress, we can got '화병'. This disease is very famous in Korea, and it's because we can see main character in Korea drama got this disease often. Seoul National University defined 화병 to 'A depression that accompanies physical symptoms. Patients' suppressed anger is thought to have emerged as a physical symptom. It shows there is a really a disease which is caused by the stress.

 Your world's center is you. I believe myself like that at least. Everything works for me, and I can affect to the world. If we think in a positive way, and act like that, we change everything include our body, and conscious.


모두가 반박할 수 없는 명확한 사실을 제시해 접근성을 높임. 화자와 Kelly Mcgonigal의 의견이 같다는 것을 밝힘.


1. 스트레스에 대한 예시를 제시함. 우리가 일상생활에서 매일 겪는 스트레스를 긍정적 사고를 통해  스트레스로부터 벗어난다는 Kelly Mcgonigal과 화자의 의견이 같다는 것을 강조함.

2. 현자와 성인들이 흔히 말하는 '긍정적으로 생각해라'를 인용하므로써 조사의 성의를 보임. 플라시보 이펙트와 "벗어날 수 없다면 즐겨라"를 합쳐 설명함으로써 설명의 효과를 높임. 

3. Kelly Mcgonigal이 스피치에서 자료로 제시했던 것의 신빙성을 높이기 위해 "화병"을 제시함. 믿을 수 있는 자료기관:서울대 의대의 홈페이지에서 화병에 대한 정의를 가져옴으로써 신뢰도를 높임.


긍정적으로 결론을 냄. 궁극적인 것은 자기 자신에게 달렸다는 Kelly Mcgonigal과 화자 자신의 의견을 통합해 말함. 

> 피드백 : 결론의 내용이 부실함. 바디 랭귀지가 부족했고, 조금 더 연습을 해 부드럽게 연결될 수 있도록 할 것. 결론에는 본론에서 얘기했던 것들을 다시 한 번 더 되짚어주는 것이 없었음.